
Game fence, Post & Rail

Eagle Fence Products Ltd. has several options available when it comes to Game Fence, Post & Rail and Farm fences as to the selection of the product required for the desired results of our customers. Eagle Fence Products Ltd. offers a full range of Farm, Ranch and Game Fencing to meet these results. We sell Hinge Knot Farm Fence, Fixed Knot Game Fence, Lawn Fence, Barbed Wire and High Tensile Wire Fence.

Game Fence: Game Fence or Farm Field fence is usually installed for two intensive purposes of our customers which are either to keep animals,  predators and rodents out or to keep their animals within their respective boundaries. Depending on the purpose and the size of the animals or predators that one is trying to maintain will determine the products required.

game fence Farm Fence II

Post & Rail: Rail fence adds that country taste to any rural property or acreages no matter what the location is and has a couple of different options that are available. Post & Rail fence not only serves as an access, containment and security purpose but provides a unique country feeling and security to your property.

Post & Rail IP&R